At Al-Nas Hospital.. the success of the first operation to install a pacemaker without wires in Egypt

Peoples Children’s Hospital announced the success of the first operation to install a pacemaker without wires intravenously for the first time in Egypt, which was performed on an Egyptian patient who suffers from a weak heartbeat and some complex health problems that make it impossible to install a traditional pacemaker. The operation was performed by the medical team. At Al-Nas Hospital in cooperation with Dr. Faisal Al-Samadi, Saudi Cardiology Consultant.

The patient was suffering from breast cancer and had a heart rhythm problem, so the device was implanted in the heart to regulate the heartbeat. The operation was successful and the condition has been stable since last Thursday.

The hospital confirmed that this operation was provided to patients free of charge, even though it was performed for the first time in Egypt, and the hospital provides its services to all patients 100% free in accordance with the best and latest international standards and technologies. It began working with the cardiology specialty in the hope of contributing to bridging the gap between the number of children with heart disease and Cases that are currently being treated by various medical bodies and agencies, based on the hospital team’s belief in the right of every child to life

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