In Al-Nas Hospital…the first of its kind and with clear atrophy

People’s Charitable Hospital for Heart and Digestive Diseases held a medical conference to announce the achievement of a catheterization procedure, the first of its kind in the world, for children suffering from pulmonary artery atrophy in the heart, which is considered a new glimmer of hope to save the lives of thousands of children, in […]

agreement with @oraegypt

Within the framework of the “Together in Charity” campaign, Al-Joud Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with @oraegypt, which includes the launch of the Most Gracious Tables, in addition to distributing Ramadan cartons and feeding meals to deserving families in Upper Egypt. The cooperation agreement came in the presence of Mr. Ayman Abbas, Treasurer of Al-Joud […]

Executive check up clinic

Publish Clinic Services [mpa_services_list post=”services”] [mpa_service_categories post=”categories”] Doctors [mpa_employees_list post=”list-of-doctors”] Book Service [appointment_form post=”clinic2″]

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Total Zakat Calculation
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