Al-Nas Hospital obtained the “ISO 9001” certificate.

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People’s Charitable Hospital for the treatment of heart and digestive diseases obtained the international quality and accreditation certificate “ISO 9001:2015”, with the support of LSQA, a company that grants quality certificates. This is in a new step that culminates the achievements of People’s Hospital in providing the best services at the highest level and free of charge to patients and the most needy groups. .

The handover of the “ISO 9001:2015” certificate was attended by Eng. Hatem Al-Mulla, Vice President and CEO of People’s Hospital, Mr. Al-Jayoushi, General Manager of LSQA, the quality certification company, Dr. Hussein Fawzi, Vice President of the National Accreditation Authority (EGAC), and a number of the medical and administrative staff of People’s Hospital.

A number of departments were chosen at Al-Nas Hospital, namely the departments of purchasing, warehouses, security, cleaning, laundry, and maintenance, for their pioneering service role, which passed quality standards, crowning the efforts of previous departments, which are consistent with the goals of Al-Nas Charitable Hospital in sustaining the provision of its services with the highest levels of efficiency and for free.

On the sidelines of handing over the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, department heads, the quality team and internal auditors were honored for their active role in preparing the concerned departments for ISO accreditation.

For his part, Engineer Hatem Al-Mulla, Vice President and Executive Director of Al-Nas Hospital, said: Since the beginning of operation of Al-Nas Hospital in 2019, the hospital has been able to make continuous progress. It is not only a name, but its efforts are crowned with accredited certificates at all levels, starting with the GAHAR accreditation from the General Authority for Health Accreditation and Control. We passed through the ISO certificate for the kitchen in food quality, and now we obtain the ISO 9001 certificate, and we always look forward to the continuation of this success, as these accreditations and certificates represent solid evidence of the efforts of the various departments and the mastery that the hospital is keen on.

Hatem Al-Mulla added: This is the beginning, not the end, as every success puts us in front of a new challenge, and we will be able to meet the challenge by improving quality better, and we look forward to performing a greater number of surgical operations in the hospital with the same level of service provided.

Dr. Hussein Fawzi, Vice President of the National Accreditation Authority (EGAC), confirmed on behalf of Dr. Hani Al-Desouki, CEO of the Authority, that the Authority’s accreditations constitute international recognition, not local ones, which represents international trust and a passport for the service provided. He praised the People’s Hospital’s obtaining a new accreditation that crowns its successful steps, noting that The National Accreditation Authority is the only national authority in Egypt competent to evaluate and accredit conformity assessment bodies.

Mr. Al-Jayoushi, General Manager of the quality certification company LSQA, said: Over the past 6 months, we have had several discussions to apply for the ISO 9001:2015 certificate for the hospital, and LSQA has supported the hospital with the application fees for the ISO certificate, as a kind gesture from the management. Procurement at Al-Nas Hospital, and a field visit was made to the hospital, where medical care at the highest level was monitored, as well as the high quality of management. The initiative was good with the presence of competent and distinguished cadres in the medical and administrative fields, indicating that the combined efforts of all departments at Al-Nas Hospital had a great impact. In the results of the reviews.

Al-Jayoushi explained that LSQA, which grants quality certificates, is an international company present in 24 countries based in Latin America and covering the Middle East and Africa region, starting from the Gulf in the east to the Maghreb in the west.

It is worth noting that Peoples Hospital is non-profit, and since its opening in 2019, it has provided approximately 303,322 medical services to 9,860 patients, including surgeries, catheterization, diagnostic services, and outpatient clinic visits, with high-quality service to all patients from all over Egypt, as it opens its doors to all heart patients as well as The digestive system and treats them with the latest medical methods and in accordance with the latest standards and controls for these diseases globally.

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